


Benchway biplaza. IGGA Artcollection. Benchway two-seater. IGGA Artcollection.

Benchway es un banco de madera que descansa sobre un carril de acero diseñado por la firma IGGA Artcollection. El carril permite desplazar el banco longitudinalmente.

Benchway biplaza. Nota de publicidad. IGGA Artcollection.
Benchway two-seater. Advertisement. IGGA Artcollection.

Benchway is the wood bench which rests on a steel rail designed by IGGA Artcollection. The bench moves over the rail.

Benchway biplaza. IGGA Artcollection. Benchway two-seater. IGGA Artcollection.

Benchway biplaza. Elaborado para la casa de un arquitecto en 2005. IGGA Artcollection.
Benchway two-seater. Made for the residence of an architect in 2005. IGGA Artcollection.

Benchway biplaza es útil en aeropuertos y estaciones de ferrocarril. IGGA Artcollection.
Benchway two-seter is useful in airports and train stations. IGGA Artcollection.

Benchway. IGGA Artcollection. Benchway. IGGA Artcollection.

Benchway biplaza. IGGA Artcollection. Benchway two-seater. IGGA Artcollection.

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